September Special

You've seen the passive income opportunity. Now is the time to ask yourself if you are ready to start paying down your credit cards, getting your mortgage under control and paying off your loans. Are you ready to start bringing in extra income while you sleep so that you can get rid of that feeling of being overwhelmed with debt and start saving and start living?

Now VoiParty has sweetened the deal with a September Special. For a small up front fee you can have a lifetime of income coming to your door every month.

VoiParty is now in the network building phase is will probably end at the end of this month. To encourage people to help build the network, VoiParty is offering a $180 bonus to everybody who helps expand the network by three gateways. That is on top of the $40 commission for every gateway sold! Your one-time cost is $287.90 to purchase a gateway. There are no monthly fees.

What that means is that if you were to buy a gateway for $287.90 and were to invite three of your friends or family to also be a part of the network and they also bought gateways, you would earn $300 and get your original remittance back!

Not only that but you will have positioned yourself to be a part of this technological revolution. Nothing like this has ever been done before. You would be tapping into a billion dollar per month industry and you would collect a percentage of the long-distance telephone traffic that went through your gateway as well as a percentage of the traffic that went through your network. There is a limited number of gateways available in each area code and exchange.

You need to ask yourself how your life would change if you could bring in an extra five hundred or thousand dollars or more per month. Could you pay down your credit card faster? Could you pay off your mortgage faster? Could you retire your loans? The greatest rewards will go to those who help build the network most. For many people this can mean true financial freedom.

Click here for more info or

click here to sign up for the September Special.